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Date : 2012-01-03
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Rating : 4.5
Reviews : 64
Category : Book

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Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments that Really Fit ~ Designer Dora Ohrenstein understands this and in Custom Crocheted Sweaters she takes the crocheter stepbystep through an overview of sweater construction incluing understanding fit reading patterns and schematics and shaping altering and finishing” Crochet Magazine
Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit ~ Presenting the only howto guide to focus specifically on customizing crocheted sweaters so you can create the perfect fit for every body type Ranging from simple to more sophisticated the 10 basic patterns selected by expert Dora Ohrenstein offer different techniques for adjusting and personalizing the design construction and shaping
Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments that Really Fit ~ What I like most about Custom Crocheted Sweaters is that each sweater pattern is customizable for your own perfect fit When my children were younger I crocheted sweaters for them and although cute and warm they were a bit boxy For this reason Ive never crocheted myself a sweater
Custom Crocheted Sweaters – Make Garments That Really Fit ~ Custom Crocheted Sweaters – Make Garments That Really Fit If the cover sweater isn’t tempting enough you’ll find plenty of other reasons to add this great book to your crochet library This book is both a beginner’s guide and a scholarly thesis on how to construct your own sweater so that it will fit you or the person you make it for
My Review Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That ~ Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit by Dora Ohrenstein earns it’s place on the proverbial crochet book shelf ten times over It’s not only full of great patterns but it’s a fantastic and thorough resource that will make each person who reads and uses it a better garment crocheter and in fact a better designer
Ravelry Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That ~ Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit by Dora Ohrenstein patterns Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit Viewing as a guest user
Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments that Really Fit ~ What I like most about Custom Crocheted Sweaters is that each sweater pattern is customizable for your own perfect fit When my children were younger I crocheted sweaters for them and although cute and warm they were a bit boxy For this reason Ive never crocheted myself a sweater
Book Review Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments that ~ Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments that Really Fit by Dora Ohrenstein Thank you to Lark publishing for sending me a complimentary copy to review The book is 144 pages with 10 sweater shapes The book is separated into 17 lessons about 2 lessons per pattern to address every area of a sweater that may need a custom fit
Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit ~ Find many great new used options and get the best deals for Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit by Dora Ohrenstein 2012 Paperback at the best online prices at eBay Free shipping for many products
Cute Crochet Chat Custom Crocheted Sweaters and Giveaway ~ Custom Crocheted Sweaters Make Garments That Really Fit by Dora Ohrenstein I was thrilled to be asked to review Lark Crafts newest crochet book Custom Crocheted Sweaters by Dora a designer I am always interested in learning all I can about garment construction and the best way to make them fit
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